Tell your representatives to vote YES on Key Vote FIT21

FIT21 is a historic crypto regulatory bill that will protect crypto users in the US. Tell your representatives to vote YES on FIT21.

Your voice will shape the future of crypto in America

Every day lawmakers are discussing policies and regulations that impact your ability to use crypto. They care what you think, but you have to make sure that you are connecting with your lawmakers.

The US sat idly by with semiconductor manufacturing, and now 92% of advanced production is located in Taiwan and South Korea. We can’t let history repeat itself, and must ensure the US isn’t sidelined from the future financial system.


Learn more about recent and upcoming events to mobilize the crypto community.


Learn more about the pending bills and resolutions that can shape the industry’s future.

FIT21 [H.R. 4763]Setting the foundational rules for crypto that are pro-consumer and pro-job creation
Clarity for Stablecoin Act [H.R. 4766]A regulatory framework for stablecoins like USDC

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Stand With Crypto is an open source initiative built by people who believe crypto belongs in America. Help us safeguard the future of crypto by contributing to our open source repo or promoting Stand With Crypto on your website or app.

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