Ayanna Pressley@RepPressleyRT @robblackwellAB: Rep. Pressley says "why should we trust the Fed" with creating a CBDC given how long it has taken Fed to get FedNow off…@RepPressley May 26, 2022 on XVery anti-crypto
Ayanna Pressley@RepPressleyRT @robblackwellAB: Rep. Pressley says "why should we trust the Fed" with creating a CBDC given how long it has taken Fed to get FedNow off…@RepPressley May 26, 2022 on X
Ayanna Pressley@RepPressleyRT @ByKyleCampbell: Rep Ayanna Pressley asks why the Fed should be trusted with designing a CBDC when it took so long to created and implem…@RepPressley May 26, 2022 on XVery pro-crypto
Ayanna Pressley@RepPressleyRT @ByKyleCampbell: Rep Ayanna Pressley asks why the Fed should be trusted with designing a CBDC when it took so long to created and implem…@RepPressley May 26, 2022 on X