profile picture of Jim Justice

Jim Justice

Republican Senator from West Virginia

Notable statements

Quoted from on Apr 1st, 2024

Jim Justice's campaign website highlights a specific focus within the "Economy & Jobs" section under "Issues":

America has a tremendous opportunity with the innovation and technology around artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and cryptocurrencies. Jim Justice believes we must ensure a digital market structure that protects Americans from bad actors but allows these innovators to flourish and create new, exciting technology, jobs, and opportunities. He opposes a central bank digital currency that would permit the federal government to surveil and restrict Americans’ financial transactions. He supports a clear regulatory framework for these exciting digital assets, allowing entrepreneurs to innovate, flourish, create jobs, and achieve their full potential.

Very pro-crypto
Quoted from on Feb 23rd, 2024


As a young investor, I am interested in your thoughts on cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and digital markets? – Joe (Charleston, WV)

Governor Justice: I’m learning more and more about cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and all these new technologies. We have supported Bitcoin miners in West Virginia. There are several locations near coal-fired power plants, and coal-fired electricity is being used to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in West Virginia.

America has a tremendous opportunity with the innovation and technology around artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and cryptocurrencies. As elected leaders, we must ensure a digital market structure that protects Americans from bad actors but allows these innovators to flourish and create new and exciting technology and opportunities.

The last thing we need is the federal government overreaching and putting financial privacy, freedom, and digital markets at risk, especially with something like a central bank digital currency that would permit the federal government the ability to surveil and restrict Americans’ financial transactions.

I support a clear regulatory framework for these exciting digital assets that allows entrepreneurs to innovate, flourish, and achieve their full potential.

Very pro-crypto