United States / Indiana / IN Congressional District 2

IN Congressional District 2

Rudy Yakym III statements on crypto

profile picture of Rudy Yakym III

Rudy Yakym III


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Just voted with @HouseGOP to stand up for liberty and pass @GOPMajorityWhip’s CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act. Nothing is more un-American than giving the feds CCP-style surveillance tools and the power to monitor our financial transactions. Not here, not now, not ever.
Somewhat pro-crypto
profile picture of Rudy Yakym III

Rudy Yakym III


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We can never let Biden bureaucrats wield CCP-style surveillance tools through a central bank digital currency. This week I’ll be voting to stand against Big Brother and up for Americans’ financial privacy by passing @GOPMajorityWhip’s CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.
Somewhat pro-crypto

Lori Camp has no statements on crypto.

Mike Hubbard has no statements on crypto.

Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.