United States / Wisconsin / WI Congressional District 1

WI Congressional District 1

Bryan Steil statements on crypto

profile picture of Bryan Steil

Bryan Steil


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Investors deserve useful disclosures that will help them make the right investment decision. The SEC's current approach, which tries to force an inappropriate framework onto digital assets fails to provide investors with the information they need and deters innovation in the US. pic.x.com/llxf7q51zn
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Very pro-crypto
profile picture of Bryan Steil

Bryan Steil


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Web 3 is happening and it's transformative. It was great to join so many leaders in the #crypto space to discuss how we can build frameworks that support innovation and jobs here in the U.S. Thanks for having me @awen_online, @standwithcrypto, @The_Swop, and @karacalvert! pic.twitter.com/g5B2CrkesJ
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Very pro-crypto

Chester Todd has no statements on crypto.

Peter Barca has no statements on crypto.

Paid for by Stand with Crypto Alliance, Inc. Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 302-566-8028.